Bucky's MicroBlogs from Twitter, Facebook

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Video: Is Facebook 'taking over our lives'?

I love facebook! I use it from my Blackberry and my iPod / iTouch!. I love getting and staying in touch with family and old friends and new friends! This is an amazing phenomenon. Check out this news video report.

Feb. 19: Fortune's Andy Serwer joins MSNBC's Willie Geist and NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman to discuss the appeal and economic outlook of the immensely popular social network Web site. (Other)Feb. 19: Fortune's Andy Serwer joins MSNBC's Willie Geist and NBC's Dr. Nancy Snyderman to discuss the appeal and economic outlook of the immensely popular social network Web site.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Motorcycle Accident, January 21 Wed

I wanted to write this earlier but it's difficult to type because my left hand is injured.

Last January 21st, at around 9am I decided to ride to work on my motorcycle. I new it was going to be another day in the 70's. I rode the bike the day before and it was gorgeous.

There was a lot of traffic for some reason that morning and that's not usually the case. I was riding east on County Line Road, just past Holly and before the turn off for the Saturn Dealer. Suddenly
a car stopped right in front of me. There was a lot of traffic so I couldn't switch lanes, I was going about 45 to 50 mph. I locked my front brake (usually I use both front and back). My back part of the bike skidded to the right and I popped off the bike and rolled a few times. I got knocked out.
It happened so fast I don't remember much except rolling. Luckily I had my helmet on and my leather vest and jacket, or I wouldn't be here communicating with you. I passed out.

When I came to it was sort of foggy. At first I thought I was back in my bead, but then I realized I was somewhere else. It seemed like I was looking through a veil and I wondered if I was in heaven, but I soon realized it was just my scraped up face shield I was looking through. I realized I was flat on my back and I was looking up at the sky. I could feel lots of pain all on my left side. As I was looking up, some heads popped into view and I began to realize I was lying in the street and then I knew that I had been in an accident. I heard someone say to call 911 for EMS. I asked someone to raise my face shield, but they didn't seem to hear me so I took my right arm and hand and raised my shield. Then I asked for someone to remove my sun glasses and they said "don't touch or move him." So I took my right glove off with my teeth and took my shades off by myself. Now I could communicate better.

Soon EMS arrived and they checked me, and moved me into the paramedic vehicle. While they were taking me to the hospital I asked one of them to call my wife at work and bring me some clothes, since they were cutting off what was left of my clothes I had on. One of the paramedics asked my name. I began to spell my name out but he recognized the name. He said he had gone to high school with my brother. Wow.. back then I was just a little kid. I remembered him.

I finally arrived at the hospital and they wheeled me in. In time my wife showed up. I had X-Rays, and MRI, and other tests.
I ended up with a broken collar-bone, a fractured rib, and a broken pinky finger... oh and a crushed blackberry device. They also took precautions for a concussion.

Now it's been a couple of weeks. Today is Sunday, February 8. I was off work for about 1 1/2 weeks. I've been back to work starting with half day working from home and half day in the office.

It was extremely painful the first week and I was on some heavy meds. Now I'm off the meds except Tylenol. But now my wife and I are battling the flu - Thanks Sean! (My step-son).

I am healing, but of course it's still painful. My left arm is in a sling, and my pinky is immobilized. I have a new Blackberry which is cool. It's difficult to type which is why it has taken me so long to update my blog.

I'm grateful for my $400 SHOI Helmet. At the time Merial thought it was too expensive but now she knows it was worth every penny. I'm not paralyzed or worse - I'm not dead! I also had gloves, a jacket and a leather vest on top of my jacket. The protection really saved me. I'll heal...

Now I'm bummed that I can't go skiing or ride for awhile. But who knows... Maybe I can get one day in at A-Basin in May. Yes.. I'll take it easy. And... I will ride again soon. My bike is ok actually, better shape than me.

There is one more thing I have mention. Merial and I said our prayers that Wednesday morning. I'm just thinking, what if we had skipped the prayer? I believe that God was watching out for me. My accident could've been much much worse. So... Don't forget to say your prayers! I know I won't.

Friday, February 06, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Daily Dilbert